Product Requirement Document - Notion Template

A FREE notion template that helps your product/feature get shipped and actually fulfills the objective. ✅ Understand what you're building and why you're building it ✅ Keep your team aligned & focused, and deeply understand the product ✅ Clear product requirements and how it achieves your "why" ✅ Clear success definition & tracking ✅ Clear roadmap and step breakdown on how you can achieve the success metric ✅ Source of truth for decisions during development --- Hey I'm Putri, Product Designer & Startup Founder at I've been building products since 2019 and have learned a lot about building products both solo and with a team. Having a product doc before starting out a new project is crucial, whether you're working alone or with a team. 😟 There will come times in the development where: - You'll face a challenge and end up faltering away from your project objective - You found something new that's exciting and decided to develop that instead of sticking with your initial plan - You build your project and then there's no follow-up on what happens next (you don't launch it, you don't market it, and you never get users) 😉 Having a product document helps you: - Keep your focus & stick to the plan - Push in small increments, so every 1-2 weeks you'll have something functional instead of a 3 months huge project that you end up not finishing - Remember to launch & evaluate the success of your project I hope this template helps you build products better! --- 💌 I'd love to hear your feedback! Did you find it useful? How can I help you better? DM me on Twitter -> Or send an email -> [email protected]

Product Requirement Document - Notion Template


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